A nightmare for every gamer and game developer, bugs.
We are trying our best to provide a bug-free gaming experience and that is exactly why we need your help right at this point.
When you encounter with a bug that is affecting your gameplay negatively, please report us immediately so that we can take an action.
You can contact us over here to report all kinds of bugs as long as you are following the steps we will show you below.

What is the proper way to report a bug?


When you report a bug, you should be describing the issue with the utmost details that you can provide.
When you say "My game is not working", it could mean multiple things and unfortunately, we are not able to mind read in such cases.
You should provide the information of:
  • Your username or user ID (to learn about your user ID, check this article.)
  • Your game version (to learn about your game/network version, check this article.)
  • The specific date of when this issue occured
  • The detailed explanation of what happened (including the prior steps in a straight timeline with following events such as "I did that, then it happened like that and after that, I saw that.. etc.)
  • Visuals regarding the issue occured (screenshots or screenrecordings)
  • Your device model and brand
  • Your operating system (Android, iOS)
  • How often you see this problem.
When you provide the details that are listed above and be responsive as possible, we will be able to sort the problem out easily and provide you a better and bug-free gaming experience!
After you reach us about your issue, we will get back to you in a short time and check the reported bug but don’t forget, it may vary depending on the time zones. Have a lovely day!