Tired of Using Old Consumables? Upgrade Them Now!

Now you have a chance to merge them to get new consumables. With this system, you can get fresh new consumables. Thus you can become stronger in the battlefield!

How to Merge Your Consumables:

1) Tap to "Arsenal" button in the main menu. 

2) Tap to "Merge" button.

3) Set the amont of consumables you want to merge and tap to the "Merge" button.

Congratulations! It's all done.

Remember, when merging consumables, you are just upgrading their tiers. You can't merge a tier 2 consumable directly into a tier 5 or 6 consumable. You need to do it in order, such as tier 2 to tier 3, and then tier 3 to tier 4. 

Note: Every x5 low tier consumable will be converted to x1 one upper tier consumable.