Limited Offers expire after a certain time period (e.g Bank Robbery, Gold Mine, Starter Pack).
Also, you can see One Time offers for once only and they disappear after you decline the offer (e.g. Lucky Offer!).
When do I get those offers?
Those offers are provided to you once you are eligible for certain standards.
How can I see Limited Time offers?
Those offers (e.g. Bank Robbery, Gold Mine) are given to you in a pop-up standard and when you see these offers, you will be able to find them again in STORE -> SPECIAL OFFERS until they expire.
Here are the examples of Bank Robbery and Gold Mine offers:

However, One Time offers like Lucky Offer! only appear to you once and you will not be able to access that offer once you decline it.
Here is an example of Lucky Offer!;

What happens if I get purchase errors?
In case you face with a payment issue while purchasing these offers, please contact us.