If you ever got stuck with 3 to 4 loading bullets on your screen and they won't go away from there, there are two possible reasons why you are facing this issue.

Connection issues

When you have an unstable internet connection (e.g. getting ping spikes), the speed of loading your data to our servers gets affected by such issues. This issue causes your loading scene to last longer than usual and keep seeing those bullets over and over again.
**If you don't know how to check and fix the connection issues, check this article


Phone date and time

If your phone's date is not up to date or you make a change within the date of your phone, you will have this issue. Your data and the current date will not be matched due to systematical differences and you will not be able to transfer your in game data to our servers. That is why, you should keep your phone up to date to play the game without facing with any kind of a problem.