Are you feeling lucky? Are you a fan of card games? Then this is the best one for you!
What is Card Game?
Card Game is a fun minigame that you can take your chance and earn various valuable rewards in return.
To play the game:
1. Tap on the Card Game icon on your main menu
2. You can play the Card Game for free once a day, or pay 500
to play the Express Card Game and start from Level 20.

3.Once you finish your free chance, you can keep playing Card Game for 50
for each try. You will still get your free chance once the timer resets.

How to play Card Game
1. You will have 60 rounds in total that you have to complete and you will be given 4 cards for each round. All you have to do is to choose one of them to earn various rewards!
2. Be careful, a bomb might explode right in your hands any second and cause you to lose all the rewards you have earned during the game.
But no need to worry, you can revive yourself and save all the rewards you have earned. You can get your first revive for free by watching an ad but the next ones will cost you
. More the round is, more the cost.

3. You will have Safe Zones for every 5 rounds. Those Safe Zones are bomb-free zones and have special rewards on them.
4.Moreover, you will have Super Zones in every 30 rounds. Super Zones are bomb-free zones, have the best rewards and plus, they contain special skins as a reward for you!
Let's take a look at those special weapon and blueprints for rounds 30 and 60.
Here is the special weapon of round 30, Special Weapon Hammer.
Here is the special blueprint of round 60, Legendary blueprint AXE for Hammer.
5.When you complete all 60 rounds, you will be having a lot of rewards to claim.
Take your chance, the prize is big at the end!